

Blog sobre Segurança da Informação, Comandos Linux e ROS

WebKit – Universal XSS in WebCore::command

WebKit – Universal XSS in WebCore::command <! – DETALHES DA VULNERABILIDADE “ “ static Editor :: Command command (Documento * documento, const String & commandName,

WebKit – Universal XSS Using Cached Pages

WebKit – Universal XSS Using Cached Pages DETALHES DA VULNERABILIDADE “ “ void FrameLoader :: detachChildren () { […] SubframeLoadingDisabler subframeLoadingDisabler (m_frame.document ()); // ***

Detrix EDMS – SQL Injection

Detrix EDMS – SQL Injection #!/usr/bin/php /* # Exploit Title: Detrix EDMS cleartext user password remote SQLI exploit # Google Dork: # Date: Jul

Detrix EDMS – SQL Injection

Detrix EDMS – SQL Injection #!/usr/bin/php /* # Exploit Title: Detrix EDMS cleartext user password remote SQLI exploit # Google Dork: # Date: Jul

DOUBLEPULSAR – Payload Execution and Neutralization (Metasploit)

DOUBLEPULSAR – Payload Execution and Neutralization (Metasploit) ## # This module requires Metasploit: # Current source: ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank =

mintinstall 7.9.9 – Code Execution

mintinstall 7.9.9 – Code Execution # Exploit Title: mintinstall (aka Software Manager) object injection # Date: 10/02/2019 # Exploit Author: Andhrimnirr # Vendor Homepage:

AnchorCMS < 0.12.3a - Information Disclosure

AnchorCMS < 0.12.3a – Information Disclosure # Exploit Title: Information disclosure (MySQL password) in error log # Date: 2/10/2019 # Exploit Author: Tijme Gommers (

LabCollector 5.423 – SQL Injection

LabCollector 5.423 – SQL Injection # Exploit Title: LabCollector (Sistema de Informação do Laboratório) 5.423 – Injeção SQL Múltipla # Data: 09/09/2019 # Links /

Linux Force Security Cursos de linux e segurança da informação

Seu futuro na tecnologia começa agora! Não deixe essa chance escapar.